
Fashion's New EU Laws & Regulations: Get Ready to Implement Sustainability!

Laws & regulations CSRD
Fashion’s New EU Laws and Regulations
In the ever-evolving world of sustainability, the fashion and textile industry finds itself at the center of a sweeping transformation. A wave of progressive EU regulations and directives is set to reshape the way fashion organisations operate, placing a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and ethical practices. In this article, we break down these 16 pivotal EU laws and regulations that are forcing brands and organisations to move towards a more responsible fashion industry.

Upcoming EU Changes and Regulations.

#1 EU Green Deal: Climate Neutral & Circular Economy

Proposed: December 2019
Adopted: 2020
The showstopper of them all - the EU Green Deal, with its ambitious goals of achieving climate neutrality and encouraging a circular economy, casts the longest shadow over the industry. Fashion organizations must align their strategies with these goals, integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of their operations. The EU Green Deal is the umbrella under which all of the following rules and regulations fall.

The main objectives of the EU Green Deal are:

  • no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place left behind

Regulations on Communication

#2 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD):

Proposed: 2021
Adopted: January 2023 (The first companies will have to apply the new rules for the first time in the 2024 financial year)
Transparency is it! Transparency reigns supreme with the CSRD. Fashion organizations will be required to disclose detailed sustainability information in their annual reports, enabling stakeholders to scrutinize their environmental and social performance. For BV’s/Ltd’s, reporting is expected in 2025 for the previous fiscal year, and for listed SMEs in 2026.

CSRD is an update of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), 2014.

#3 Sustainable Finance Taxonomy 2024:

Proposed: June 2023
Adopted: January 2024
The financial sector is realigning its investments with sustainability objectives. Fashion organizations seeking capital must adhere to sustainable finance criteria, motivating a shift towards responsible practices. It's all about identifying economic activities that contribute to environmental goals, like reducing carbon emissions or promoting biodiversity.

#4 Green Claims Directive:

Proposed: March 2023
Adopted: 2024/2025
Did you know there are currently over 230 different labels causing chaos and consumer distrust! In an era where 'greenwashing' is scrutinized, the industry must adhere to labeling requirements that accurately reflect a product's environmental impact. Authenticity and transparency will be paramount.

#5 Industrial Emissions Directive 2023:

Proposed: February 2022
Adopted: 2026-2028
Clean air is no longer an option; it is a legal obligation. Fashion manufacturers must comply with emissions limits to ensure their operations do not harm the environment or public health. Time to clean up your act, factories!

Regulations on Product Information

#6 Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

Proposed: December 2021
Adopted: 2024
Your product's footprint should be reduced and stylish. The concept of environmental footprints extends beyond carbon emissions. Fashion organizations will need to quantify and reduce their product's overall environmental impact, including water usage, land use, and resource depletion.

#7 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):

Proposed: 2023 (Textiles)
Adopted: 2025
The EPR directive marks a paradigm shift in accountability. Producers are obligated to take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products, from design and production to disposal, promoting sustainable design and waste management practices. It's time to take responsibility for your creations, from cradle to grave!

#8 Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation & Digital Product Passport (DPP):

Proposed: March 2022
Adopted: 2026/2027
Fashion isn't just about aesthetics; it's about functionality. Ecodesign principles, aimed at integrating environmental considerations into product development, will become the norm. Additionally, the introduction of digital product passports will provide consumers with comprehensive information about a product's sustainability credentials. Design with the planet in mind!

Regulations at Corporate Level

#9 Transport of Waste:

Proposed: 2021
Adopted: 2023
How you transport waste matters, so get those logistics in order. Stricter regulations regarding the transportation of waste are on the way. This underscores the importance of efficient waste management and sustainable logistics within the industry. This regulation restricts waste export to non-OECD countries, permitting it only if these countries are willing and equipped to manage the waste sustainably.

#10 Industrial Emissions:

Proposed: In 2022, the Commission adopted proposals to revise the IED from 2010
Adopted: 2023

Clean air is no longer an option; it is a legal obligation. Fashion manufacturers must comply with emissions limits to ensure their operations do not harm the environment or public health. Time to clean up your act, factories!

#11 REACH Update June 2023

The REACH regulation has undergone significant revision, necessitating compliance with stricter chemical safety standards. The 29th update was issued in June 2023, and includes two new ‘Very High Concern’ substances:

  1. Bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulphone (BCPS), used as an additive in fluoropolymers for rubber production in agriculture
  2. Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)phosphine oxide, Used in photo-chemicals, inks and toners, coating products, adhesives and sealants, polymers and fillers, putties, plasters, and modelling clay and can be found on materials.

Fashion organizations must proactively adapt to these changes to ensure consumer safety and sustainability.

#12 Microplastics

Proposed: 2022
Adopted: September 2023

Tiny but mighty, microplastics are under scrutiny with impending restrictions on their usage. And YES, this includes Glitter - since October 2023 glitter made from non-biodegradable, insoluble plastic has been banned! The industry must seek alternative materials and production methods to minimize microplastic pollution.

#13 PFAS, Bisphenols, Skin Sensitizing Chemicals 2023-24:

Proposed: January 2023
Adopted: 2026/2027

The presence of hazardous chemicals in textiles is a concern addressed by upcoming regulations. Stakeholders must phase out substances such as PFAS, Bisphenols, and skin-sensitizing chemicals to safeguard both consumers and the environment.

These laws and regulations are not just a passing trend. They're here to stay, and fashion and textile organizations better be ready to embrace them. Sustainability has moved beyond the limits of fashion statements and is now an essential component of operational efforts.

Check out this timeline of the upcoming EU Laws & Regulations:

In conclusion, the fashion and textile industry must prepare to navigate a complex web of regulatory changes and embrace sustainability as the cornerstone of their operations. These EU laws and directives are not burdens but opportunities for innovation and responsible growth. As the industry adapts to this transformative wave, it has the potential to set new standards for environmental stewardship and ethical practices, thereby fashioning a brighter and more sustainable future.

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